Poll: Would care if the AC community eventually stopped existing
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No. I'm ready to move on.
5 12.82%
Yes but there's nothing really to do about it.
10 25.64%
Yes, and something should be done to ensure that the community stays alive.
24 61.54%
Total 39 vote(s) 100%
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My Thoughts. Would like input.
This game can be very heartbreaking to me at times, but it's the only multiplayer FPS I can currently play and I'd still choose this gameplay over the likes of pay2win Crossfire. So I chose the third option, and not just for reasons regarding the accessibility. It would very much be a waste for the memories this game has given to players and the efforts that were extended to the development of the game to all just be thrown away in the garbage can; I'd rather we continue this till its ultimation. As there is a beginning, there is an inevitable end. But abrupt endings are quite distasteful, regretful.

The game itself is quite refined, but there's always room for improvement; a significant role that the community plays. Here we have the forum,  wherein cubers alike can communicate their ideas, and where the diligent ones can provide their service in a plethora of ways, whether it be in mapping, bug catching, reporting players for their nefarious behaviour and whatnot. Ideas need to be exchanged to pave for opportunities. Whether we decide to take these opportunities or not will ultimately decide the community's growth. We have our own responsibilities, as do our developers. If we neglect our responsibilities then we will only suffer the loss of our valuables. So do what you will, and make sure it's your own.


Regarding the developers "close-mindedness", I'm not very sure what to make of it. As I've only registered in these forums like a month ago, I doubt I'd be able to provide a credible opinion. They've been here for quite long, looking over this community as they keep their responsibilities in check. We might have our differences, but it's best not to let negativity take over you. Tolerate one another, even those you may not understand. And don't let misunderstandings develop into tragic realities; the pitfall is deeper than you think.

Jamz here might have been a bit reckless, but overall he kept his composure. You, as part of the community, must not lose sight of yourself. If you can't do that much, then how do you expect yourself to comprehend others? You are not a tool to be abusively moderated by those with upper authority, you are a being with a free will. If that ever changes, then your very entity is being violated. Likewise, you must not look up to those with greater power as special existences; they're as every little bit of human as you are. So do not expect anymore than for them to be themselves. To be unreasonably burdened is the equivalent of losing your free will.

I plan to make this community more lively, but since my right to post threads was revoked, my options are quite limited. How does Assaultcube compare to other games? That's a difficult question. But the obvious answer is that the others are more well-known. And what of its community, indeed? The one big candle that keeps this flame alive and well... we should oversee to it that the winds will not blow this way. That can be done simply by being an active member here.

I'll keep on posting as I see fit. I'll play the game as I see fit. I'll object to decisions as I see fit. I'll approach IRC as I see fit. I'll see to it that I can see myself, still. And I will see to it that the others here are alive and well. That's what makes this such a worthwhile experience.
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Messages In This Thread
My Thoughts. Would like input. - by MerCyKiL - 30 Nov 14, 06:06AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by G1gantuan - 30 Nov 14, 01:12PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 30 Nov 14, 02:56PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Honor - 30 Nov 14, 06:10PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Flint - 01 Dec 14, 05:06AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Undead - 21 Dec 14, 09:58AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Andrez - 30 Nov 14, 10:57PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by stef - 01 Dec 14, 03:19PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by 1Cap - 01 Dec 14, 04:38PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Cemer - 02 Dec 14, 06:16AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 01 Dec 14, 04:39PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 01 Dec 14, 05:52PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by pweaks - 02 Dec 14, 11:35AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Orynge - 02 Dec 14, 09:11AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by DamDam - 02 Dec 14, 11:36PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 03 Dec 14, 12:35AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Honor - 03 Dec 14, 12:49AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by DamDam - 03 Dec 14, 08:27AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by NoArmZ - 21 Dec 14, 10:46AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by NoArmZ - 21 Dec 14, 11:32AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by NoArmZ - 22 Dec 14, 10:03AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by al3rt - 22 Dec 14, 10:26AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Money$hot - 23 Dec 14, 02:47AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by 1Cap - 23 Dec 14, 03:51AM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 23 Dec 14, 12:38PM
RE: My Thoughts. Would like input. - by Marti - 23 Dec 14, 05:04PM