A word on gibbed.me's filters:

1) I don't use a chat filter. Freespeech and whatnot... people will talk like an asshole regardless as to whatever chat filter you have and the vote system will take care of them.

2) Assholes generally use asshole names. As such, I do use a nickname filter. This is because it keeps n00b assholes from joining in the first place. A nickname filter won't stop non-n00b assholes from using a different combination though (e.g. "f%ck" can be used instead of "fuck"), hence I generally don't attempt blocking them due to the masses of possible combinations. For those non-n00b assholes, the vote system will take care of them... and hopefully, blocking their preferred name will make joining the server less appealing.

3) The nickname filter blocks names that will likely be used in an adverse way, even if they're not adverse. For example, it's very common, that someone named Hitler, will be an asshole (funny that). Another example, someone named "fag" is most likely insulting someone, rather than proudly displaying their homosexuality. Another example, you'll never see someone named "jew", actually be of the jewish faith.

*EDIT* 4) Regardless as to whether you think, say, "Hitler" is an offensive name to use or not, you must realise it offends a large proportion of people. Myself, I don't find Hitler offensive because regardless as to his views, etc, it's just a name to me. But I recognise that others are still offended by it because of what the name stands for. Hence, I block it so that others joining the server get the hint, that they shouldn't be using the name.

Etc. Here's the list: http://www.gibbed.me/bl/normal_nickblacklist.cfg
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X( - by Boomhauer - 03 Nov 14, 01:16AM
RE: X( - by ExodusS - 03 Nov 14, 01:50AM
RE: X( - by Boomhauer - 03 Nov 14, 03:43PM
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RE: X( - by Hellspell - 08 Nov 14, 04:24PM
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