This is your best montage so far in my opinion, your shots were cool and the music fit really nicely and was well synced.
Only negative things about this are the slowmotion parts as others have said, they're not really fluid; and also when you're in free spectate mode you should type /hidespecthud 1 to get rid of the "GHOST" text on the left hand side of the screen (you might want to leave it on for first-person scenes though since otherwise it won't show your name).
Overall though I'd say 8/10. would watch again, gj :)
EDIT: Also how the hell do you aim with such a huge crosshair? Like wtf x)
Only negative things about this are the slowmotion parts as others have said, they're not really fluid; and also when you're in free spectate mode you should type /hidespecthud 1 to get rid of the "GHOST" text on the left hand side of the screen (you might want to leave it on for first-person scenes though since otherwise it won't show your name).
Overall though I'd say 8/10. would watch again, gj :)
EDIT: Also how the hell do you aim with such a huge crosshair? Like wtf x)