(19 Oct 14, 10:20PM)Oracle Wrote: ^Vanquish and I, TKTF urban :D
(19 Oct 14, 08:51PM)stef Wrote: I don't care the least about eye-candy - and at least all those AC players who use gamma 200, texreduce and brightskins do neither.
Again this shows you're out of touch with sauer's competitive scene. Even the more casually competitive players (in sauer) play on texreduce and use brightskins (not like AC's watered down version with the filter). It's the same in other games like quake and battlefield and so on, people lower their settings simply to have less optical distraction when they're aiming. It has nothing to do with the engine or the type of game. Of course not everybody does it, but most people who play competitively will not care about eye candy at all.
I'm not saying we should turn AC into sauer, because that would be stupid. I'm not even saying we should shift AC to the cube2 engine (that wouldn't be stupid, but in my opinion it isn't necessary either). But there's a difference between incorporating elements of other games that have proven to be successful in a variety of scenarios, and actually turning one game into a carbon copy of another. Re-read my original post, the only two features I want that Sauer (and a lot of other games) have are the ability to pause your game and the ability to use brightskins. I don't think that you personally feeling as though they don't fit in with AC's gameplay are a reason to completely dismiss their merits, or the merits of others' suggestions.