AC 1.3 or AC 2, Your Expectations and Estimations
you could do it a multitude of ways

have a pause button; each member on a team can pause once. anyone else in the game can unpause at any time. this gives time for people to explain why they are pausing and gives the other parties the choice of whether to honour the pause for their own reasons

the team can choose to play without their teammate(s) or pause and wait for them

this should only be in mastermode 2 as people have seemingly agreed they are in the match for the long run, and to prevent pause abusing in public matches

this works quite well in dota2

there are also other options; a /pause [reason] command that pauses the game and states a reason, then an unpause command when the teams are ready

you could also have a /pause and it adds to a vote counter; when the pause votes are over 50%, the game pauses. the game will unpause when it gets to that. the pause vote would last 10 seconds and be able to be recalled after a minimum of a 10 second pause with the same vote counter with an unpause command

there are even plenty of other options possible; but we need the chance to discuss which would be better for ac

ps: as soon as you stop making this ad nauseam and entertain opposing views with more than (no i dont like it and im right)
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RE: AC 1.3 or AC 2, Your Expectations and Estimations - by Cemer - 19 Oct 14, 09:33PM