Low or high sensitivities
(17 Oct 14, 12:28PM)G1gantuan Wrote: this is the first game i've ever played that has such horrendous mousemovement playing in low FPS. or is it just me

not just you - here is the explanation as well as I understand what it is that you're experiencing.

As for mouse sensitivities, I think anything from about 20cm/360 to 40cm/360 is playable, and anything lower or higher is personal preference. Since I've changed my mouse sens a lot (was around 90cm/360 in mid-1.1, then I changed it to around 47cm/360, then 41cm/360, then 33cm/360, and now I'm at around 28cm/360 (the toxjq sens)), I guess I'm in a good position to say that no mouse sensitivity is perfect and that you should never set your sensitivity to something another player likes just because they like it.
I think aiming is very much a matter of alertness, reflexes and being used to your settings. There are a wide variety of professional and non-professional players in many different games and they're all using vastly different sensitivities and settings (for example, mouseaccel is commonly used in quake), and it seems to suggest that whatever you're used to will be more influential in helping you play well than simply copying someone else's settings, command for command.

Having used a forearm-achingly low sens for about a year, I'll say that the benefit of such a sensitivity is that you are able to look and turn by making movements with your arm, and then precisely target and shooting by using the wrist as a pivot and just moving your hand. I was playing pretty well with this kinda sens, and iirc Xenon was using a very similar sensitivity to me too (it may even have been slightly lower).
The opposite argument is that higher sensitivities allow for greater mobility and faster mouse movement - having to turn your mouse constantly on a low sensitivity can be quite fatiguing, especially if your mouse isn't a comfortable one.

So my advice is to try and find something you feel comfortable controlling easily with your arm and then adjust it by about 0.1 or 0.2 either way if it feels uncomfortable.
btw, I'm using a steelseries kana @ 1600dpi/500hz, sens 0.937

EDIT: sorry but i'd just like to clear this up, no mouse handles 1000hz at a constant rate even though pretty much every mouse manufacturer claims 1khz works on their products. You'd need a ridiculously OP motherboard for the mice that _can_ handle 1000hz (a standard/cheap mobo with bad usb ports will not handle the input rate well), and those mice that can handle 1khz polling rate with stability are incredibly rare. For the most part it's just a marketing gimmick, like the new ASUS ROG mouse which allegedly runs at 2000hz, which is a "world first". that's nice, but gl getting that input rate in real-world applications. most mice hover between 800-900hz so my advice would be to cap it to 500hz since that way you're always getting a stable 499hz input (2ms @ 500hz instead of 1ms @ 1000hz, so essentially no noticeable difference unless your sens is insanely low or insanely high, i say this because when i used 90cm/360 i was actually able to notice the difference a bit).
Also if your mouse doesn't natively support 500hz you can overclock your USB port on this page which if done properly won't damage your USB ports. rtfm and you'll be okay :P

(17 Oct 14, 01:10PM)Boomhauer Wrote: I say this because jamz can see the dot on your monitor. Don't ask me how.

jamz is omniscient
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Messages In This Thread
Low or high sensitivities - by G1gantuan - 17 Oct 14, 12:22PM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by Marti - 17 Oct 14, 12:27PM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by G1gantuan - 17 Oct 14, 12:28PM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by Boomhauer - 17 Oct 14, 01:10PM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by Vanquish - 17 Oct 14, 01:59PM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by G1gantuan - 17 Oct 14, 02:47PM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by Boomhauer - 17 Oct 14, 02:55PM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by Marti - 17 Oct 14, 11:00PM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by Huntsman - 17 Oct 14, 03:20PM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by G1gantuan - 17 Oct 14, 03:36PM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by Waffles - 18 Oct 14, 12:51AM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by Boomhauer - 18 Oct 14, 02:04AM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by Marti - 18 Oct 14, 12:30PM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by G1gantuan - 18 Oct 14, 05:25AM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by Waffles - 18 Oct 14, 07:44AM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by G1gantuan - 18 Oct 14, 09:47AM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by G1gantuan - 18 Oct 14, 01:42PM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by Hellspell - 18 Oct 14, 03:30PM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by Xenon - 21 Oct 14, 06:13AM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by Flint - 21 Oct 14, 08:32AM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by G1gantuan - 21 Oct 14, 10:40AM
RE: Low or high sensitivities - by Vanquish - 21 Oct 14, 05:12PM