AssaultCube On Windows 7 BAD FPS!
Actually, it might be a good idea to open your PC and pull out the graphics card and clean the dust off of it.

Unfortunately, sometimes small dust particles can interfere with the correct running of DirectX due to the dust short-circuiting some of the nano-circuitry on the DirectX chips - those chips are quite fragile technology you see.
I'm joking. AssaultCube uses OpenGL - NOT DirectX. The DirectX software is built into graphics drivers. Upgrade (or if required, downgrade) your graphics drivers. Also, dust making chips short circuit? LOL.
EDIT: While you're cleaning the dust off, check that the GPU fan blades spin clockwise, not anti-clockwise. The fan creates a magnetic field that also sometimes interferes with the correct running of the DirectX chips if it's spinning the wrong way.
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RE: AssaultCube On Windows 7 BAD FPS! - by RandumKiwi - 13 Oct 14, 10:57AM