20 Sep 10, 01:00PM
(20 Sep 10, 11:31AM)Lumpaz Wrote: Erm... well, okay, so you spend time working on a new version with an improved armor system and an improved weapon balance, and when it's out, you start toying around with armor values and then (maybe) weapon balance to content those whining psychorigid guys and give them back that good ole 1.0.4 feel ??
"YAY, I'll be able to use my one-and-only sniper-pistol combo like I always did, hallelujah", they chant, stomping around in delight.
I mean, okay, armor needs a bit of adjustment, I'd be happy not to feel like I'm stupidly emptying a full SMG clip at Iron Man, but come on, stop talking about getting back to 1.0.4 damage and 1.0.4 weapon balance. This is 1.1, go forward, not backward. 1.0.4 had turned to a sniper combo fest, and it was getting more and more boring. Don't go in that direction again. Let people adjust and learn to be versatile and choose the weapon that suits the map.
Minor adjustments, ok, but no "1.0.4 feel", please!
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