Question about the skill levels
like crema said. acwc is a good general understanding of the skill and activity of the game at that moment in time. specifically the finals. my first activity in acwc came when i was in my first clan circa 2010-11?????? optic may know.

Would've been consecutive years minus USA shaky (at best) showing in 2012-13.

Usa won the finals vs. france in the year after, marking the first upset to france since germany's dominant phase.

here are the records of that where there is some beautiful play. I highly recommend watching harrek in elevation to see some class act play. I believe it is a masterclass on how to play the map.

Some would argue that this was "low activitiy, low skill phase" but it was still much better then it is now. If you can get your hands on demos, some players to look for: horus, newbie, jason, larry, vermi, Undead (especially this dude, it is "sick as") xenon, hera, haittah, sacerock, theanthrax, panico, seriffi, jonux, vanquish, xemi, redbull, honor, bull3t. even older (somewhat): ramb0, crema, impakt'd, exoduss, morgankell(the nades), krayce. I've named a few ex-cheaters here but they're nasty as hell. There are also countless "elite" players that have played the game that i couldn't mention that are equally or more legendary then those stated. drakas, tenshi, majikal for instance. wolfSRB!!!!!!!!! the dude i learned the game from and is (in my opinion) the most intuitive and intelligent of all of them.

The game comes down to simple terms. Learn the history or gtfo. If you can't replicate and improve on the masters, you won't be "elite" in many people's eyes.

that being said, the demos of acwc sometime-somewhere:
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Messages In This Thread
Question about the skill levels - by G1gantuan - 04 Oct 14, 02:38PM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Honor - 04 Oct 14, 02:50PM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Marti - 04 Oct 14, 05:45PM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Halte - 04 Oct 14, 07:44PM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Marti - 04 Oct 14, 11:12PM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by al3rt - 04 Oct 14, 11:46PM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Marti - 05 Oct 14, 10:19AM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Marti - 05 Oct 14, 02:24PM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Marti - 05 Oct 14, 02:41PM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Waffles - 05 Oct 14, 08:29AM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Marti - 05 Oct 14, 05:49PM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Skinny-Dog - 06 Oct 14, 01:35AM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Marti - 06 Oct 14, 11:43AM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by DrauL - 06 Oct 14, 12:22PM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Marti - 07 Oct 14, 12:35PM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Flint - 09 Oct 14, 08:10AM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Marti - 09 Oct 14, 12:23PM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Fate - 10 Oct 14, 12:07PM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Fate - 15 Oct 14, 01:01PM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by jamz - 14 Oct 14, 08:10AM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Marti - 14 Oct 14, 11:11AM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by DrauL - 14 Oct 14, 04:19PM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Marti - 16 Oct 14, 12:27PM
RE: Question about the skill levels - by Cemer - 19 Oct 14, 06:39PM