22 Sep 14, 01:21AM
What we need is to accept two different styles of play. One is competitive. One plays for every inch of ground and bleeds every ounce of blood from that flag as they can. They make you earn it. The other? The other is not so tactically based. The other doesn't share the same strategic concepts as we do. Yet... the other is just as much a player as we are. They share the same vision that we do. They love the game for it's gameplay. They enjoy the time they spend fragging shimmies old school style with friends they've either known for ages or just met ten minutes ago. AC is a free alternative to the standard moneymaking FPS' everyone else has grown way too accustomed too. We offer legitimate maps that are handmade by members of the community to offer badass experiences in a span of a few games. You're tired from a day's hard work? Connect to a multiplayer AC game. You can't stand life and need some pure mano e mano? Connect to an AC game where you can sit back and wait to be inundated by offers to inter. Each and every one of us came from yeoman stock, plain old love a game for what it is. It's time we gave AssaultCube a chance to reward our faith in it and make her the beautiful girl we fell in love with the first time we saw her.