02 Sep 14, 03:58AM
As a Brazilian myself, allow my me to make an educated observation: the great majority of Brazilian clan players (apart from Marreira, N0cu, some dudes from #M|A# and the late MCNM) are indeed not to be trusted, they still cheat or cheated at some point, they evade bans and change nicks every other week, facts that make most people frown upon good competitive Brazilian players in general. I don't really blame the haters, it is very hard to trust some good player from Brazil when you know their behavior patterns (i.e cheat, evade ban and change nicknames), the fact that we have crazy dynamic pings over here does not help, you never know who you playing against. For example: I was almost banned the other day playing with an alias because ppl were saying I was in fact that Plenas guy
So I hate to say it 1Cap but, the Brazilians are the ones to blame here. I never cheated nor congregated with known cheaters, always played with the same nickname, have been in the same clan for 5 years now and let me say here that I have never, not one time, felt any prejudice against me on the account I'm from Brazil, whoever dislikes me here does not fell this way because of where I was born (most likely they do it because I can be a dick).
I'm sorry but, if a particular group of people cheat and exploit a system/community they will not be welcome, is that simple. And the problem would be xenophobia, racism is an whole different thing and really does not apply for this case.
So I hate to say it 1Cap but, the Brazilians are the ones to blame here. I never cheated nor congregated with known cheaters, always played with the same nickname, have been in the same clan for 5 years now and let me say here that I have never, not one time, felt any prejudice against me on the account I'm from Brazil, whoever dislikes me here does not fell this way because of where I was born (most likely they do it because I can be a dick).
I'm sorry but, if a particular group of people cheat and exploit a system/community they will not be welcome, is that simple. And the problem would be xenophobia, racism is an whole different thing and really does not apply for this case.