CTF shouldn't reset the flag in the event of a TK!
How come if you kill a teammate in CTF, it resets the flag? So people don't try to steal points? There are plenty of other ways to prevent that, like giving the flag point to the person who was teamkilled.

It's really bad when someone accidentally shoots the guy with the flag and causes it to be reset. Usually, this happens because people are spam-clicking to respawn. I admit that I've accidentally killed a teammate with the flag a couple of times, and it's hugely embarrassing. It should just drop it! Even worse, a troll or really bad player can do way more damage within the time span of a ban vote in CTF than he could ever do in TDM or even TOSOK.
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Messages In This Thread
CTF shouldn't reset the flag in the event of a TK! - by morshu9001 - 12 Aug 14, 10:38PM