|AoX|F0r3v3r ban reason I sem ..help me !
I cant find this clan :LyC*|Loser your Closet in anyware..
Wiki or recruiting clans thread..
its not only a bunch of kids playing with each other?

is very common to ask about cheater , kids do it all the time... many new players do it .. many players are very young and do not really understand what it means for sure...
we need to explain why not to use cheater ...
and even using one we must be 100% sure to banish the player.

I do not see this precedent as correct.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: |AoX|F0r3v3r ban reason I sem ..help me ! - by Skinny-Dog - 16 Jul 14, 10:57PM
RE: |AoX|F0r3v3r ban reason I sem ..help me ! - by 1Cap - 17 Jul 14, 03:14AM