Can't use Servers in ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Okay great. Now we're getting somewhere.

Normally, when you use "sudo apt-get install <package>" it searches the default Ubuntu repositories. Well, when you add new repositories, it adds from that too. However, the Ubuntu repositories package the source code, or the stuff that becomes programs, into deb files. These are specially pacakged for Debian and Debian-based systems. However, the packaging takes time and hence it can become out of date.

It is thus with AssaultCube. The package in Ubuntu's repositories is version, whereas the current version is If you install it from Ubuntu's repository, no matter how many times you reinstall, you will still get a non-functioning old version.

So how do you get a copy of the source code? Well, you could get it from sourceforge, which is probably the easier route. Why? If you click on this link here. Why is this easier? It will give you a tar.bz2 (think of it as a zip file). Then, you just tar -jxvf (I think, read the man page), and then you're on to installation step... But since you don't like sourceforge, download git.

Then, in terminal, type in:
git clone

Once you've done either of those, post here. We'll move onto the next step.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Can't use Servers in ubuntu 14.04 LTS - by Mousikos - 14 Jul 14, 04:26AM