Can't use Servers in ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Give up Ubuntu. Believe me, Canonical will not get far ...
Returning to the topic ...

Do not use the automatic download of ubuntu. (programs center). This will bring you the old version of the game.

Go to the game page and download the files for linux.
Its oficial.. dont worry - download here
The files come compressed. Unzip them to an easy place to find.
Well, there is now a "readme" file. read it.
You must have permission to execute the "sh".
SH ? what is it? - help

You will run this file from the command line, maybe. Or you can open the terminal and drag this file to the terminal and it will run.

First things first ... Try these steps .. if that does not work come back here and describe ...
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Can't use Servers in ubuntu 14.04 LTS - by 1Cap - 01 Jul 14, 06:11AM