Can't use Servers in ubuntu 14.04 LTS
If you are trying to host this from an Ubuntu desktop, you will shut the server down everytime you logout or turn off the computer...
You can host the server inside of a

However, you would need to leave your computer running for the server to continue working...

But you haven't given us much to work with here...

We know your OS is Ubuntu 14.04

We still don't know for sure if this is a server that you are accessing through the terminal, or if you are trying to run the server on your desktop at home....

We don't know what you have, or have not, downloaded and in what version, or from where....

We have an indication that you may be inexperienced at hosting servers...

But you could help us a lot by being more specific about what you are logging in to and where....
The solutions will be vastly different depending upon what you wish to achieve....

Please.... Help us help you....
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Can't use Servers in ubuntu 14.04 LTS - by +f0r3v3r+ - 28 Jun 14, 12:02AM