Adding to the weapon menu
Do you mean this?

I would have thought there was just an extra line of code to add or edit to get this to work..
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Messages In This Thread
Adding to the weapon menu - by MykeGregory - 29 May 14, 04:07PM
RE: Adding to the weapon menu - by D3M0NW0LF - 29 May 14, 08:22PM
RE: Adding to the weapon menu - by MykeGregory - 29 May 14, 09:29PM
RE: Adding to the weapon menu - by D3M0NW0LF - 29 May 14, 11:46PM
RE: Adding to the weapon menu - by MykeGregory - 31 May 14, 11:31AM
RE: Adding to the weapon menu - by Cleaner - 31 May 14, 09:23PM
RE: Adding to the weapon menu - by MykeGregory - 31 May 14, 11:22PM