Quote:Anyway, it wasn't just the onlineplayer.eu server that the guy was on, or the camper map. I saw him get headshot after headshot on a OSOK server running Desert as well.
Then it definitely wasn't me cause I don't play TOSOK or OSOK. I play mostly TDM on camper maps or CTF in mainstream maps, or inters occasionally. You can spot the aimbotter by spectating him, if the person headshots on the fly (sometimes headshot on the fly can be just a lucky one) or through walls or when facing a different direction from the target, it will be obvious.
Quote:That's the same guy you reported, VectorM12. Didn't you know you can /whois in demos?
Yes, I found out from the demo that Highplace and ad_81 is the same person. But I didn't know that he used my nickname on other servers like you said.