what do you think about that? did AC lose some of it's speed due to those changes? should nade pickups be in pairs again, should nade carry capability be "2" again, should armour be single-strength again?
a) If you spend too much time grabbing pickups after you spawn, you will slowly lose pressure on the map, meaning that you will face your enemy closer and closer from your base which is dangerous. If you don't push out fast enough after you spawn will get trapped/spawnraped later on.
b) I think nades are under-used atm, because people may think it's not rewarding enough. So instead of using them wisely, they just spam it in places where people are likely to come without even thinking of where enemies could be. Putting more nades would just mean more spam, so it would be even more annoying (low risk high reward)
c) I think controlling armour is a big part of the "tactical" aspect since controlling pickups and denying it to your opponents will give you a huge advantage, and even if doesn't, it at least removes it to your enemies.
2. do you take the time after respawn to fill up nades and armour?
Nah, in a match I'd just push out my way and grab everything that's on my way if it gives me advantage to be able to meet my enemy in the best position/angle/timing I can.
In public though, I'd probably consider going 100/100 before entering enemy base with 8people camping with shotgun if I don't want to insta die..
3. what do you think about the frag reduction of nade kills from "2" in 1.0 to "1" now?
Well, even though it would make grenades a high reward for killing someone it (which is not easy when you're versing an AR/SMG 1on1), it would be too OP for those who just spam nades and get loads of kills without even trying.
Imo the problem is that you don't have to be good to kill with nades. If you're good with nades, you will have an advantage, but if you're awful, you'll still get random gibs so..If only grenades could be something harder to hit, I'd agree to put 2 points in it (high risk - high reward)
4. are helmets of any use or are they just pacman fodder?
I think it's a great addition, I'm not a fan of the "only kevlar maps" and I think it forces people to think of what they're doing better. Some people would neglect picking a helmet to push faster whereas if you're smart you will win your 1v1, thanks to those extra seconds you took to grab helmet.
5. what do you think about trickjumping?
I think it's fun and I totally think rifle jumping should be kept in. The game would be so annoying and boring if you could only score flags strafe running from base to base. There are many tricks and outplays you can do with rifle jumping and lots of players trained it to make it work in competitive play.
As for the "hax jump", I don't think it should be kept since it somehow makes it harder to hit the frog who's jumping.
6. what's your favourite weapon? did you consider the nade to be a possible primary weapon in 1.0?
I'd say I like sniper the most because it requires skill to be good with and I like the idea of chunking down multiple people to low health to help my team push in. Though SMG is just too strong right now so when I play the game (lol) I play SMG.
Actually, the idea of having one role for each weapon could be very interesting and I think I'd like it. Having one grenadier, one sniper, and one flagger (AR/SMG) could bring up some new teamplay/tactics.
7. do you use cubescript to customise your client? do you write the scripts yourself, or do you get them from someone else?
Yep I do use it, some of it I made myself some I copied, it's usually things that I find more practical. (name change, gamma fix, mastermode/autoteam shortcut...)
8. should servers provide a diversity of maps and modes - or do you prefer single-mode servers?
Diversity is better because it would the "scene" growing bigger. When I started AC, I was playing only TOSOK because it's what brings the most fun. But if I never gotten introduced to CTF and if I hadn't been forced to play it, I wouldve probably gotten stuck in the TOSOK forever part of AC.
If we can get all around good players (CTF, surv, TOSOK), it would increase pubs quality and maybe bring some newer players to the "competitive" play.
9. what do you think about gema servers and servers running camper 24/7?
I don't enjoy playing gemas cuz I think it's annoying when you don't suceed and fail the same jump 52 times in a row. But I can understand why it's fun and why people play it. Some players were inventive enough to create maps like those because they thought it was fun, I think it would be pretty stupid to remove it because "it's not how AC is supposed to be played". It's because of "old school" & conservative ideas like those that games stay stuck and don't evolve for years (ggwp "developers" as they like to call themselves)
10. a more technical question: would you care, if servers could only be hosted on linux machines?
Why would we reduce it to linux only? It would remove the possibility for Windows user to create servers and even if the technical aspect can be more rewarding using Linux, I don't think it'd be any "good" if we prohibitted players from making their own servers just because they're on Windows or Mac.
a) If you spend too much time grabbing pickups after you spawn, you will slowly lose pressure on the map, meaning that you will face your enemy closer and closer from your base which is dangerous. If you don't push out fast enough after you spawn will get trapped/spawnraped later on.
b) I think nades are under-used atm, because people may think it's not rewarding enough. So instead of using them wisely, they just spam it in places where people are likely to come without even thinking of where enemies could be. Putting more nades would just mean more spam, so it would be even more annoying (low risk high reward)
c) I think controlling armour is a big part of the "tactical" aspect since controlling pickups and denying it to your opponents will give you a huge advantage, and even if doesn't, it at least removes it to your enemies.
2. do you take the time after respawn to fill up nades and armour?
Nah, in a match I'd just push out my way and grab everything that's on my way if it gives me advantage to be able to meet my enemy in the best position/angle/timing I can.
In public though, I'd probably consider going 100/100 before entering enemy base with 8people camping with shotgun if I don't want to insta die..
3. what do you think about the frag reduction of nade kills from "2" in 1.0 to "1" now?
Well, even though it would make grenades a high reward for killing someone it (which is not easy when you're versing an AR/SMG 1on1), it would be too OP for those who just spam nades and get loads of kills without even trying.
Imo the problem is that you don't have to be good to kill with nades. If you're good with nades, you will have an advantage, but if you're awful, you'll still get random gibs so..If only grenades could be something harder to hit, I'd agree to put 2 points in it (high risk - high reward)
4. are helmets of any use or are they just pacman fodder?
I think it's a great addition, I'm not a fan of the "only kevlar maps" and I think it forces people to think of what they're doing better. Some people would neglect picking a helmet to push faster whereas if you're smart you will win your 1v1, thanks to those extra seconds you took to grab helmet.
5. what do you think about trickjumping?
I think it's fun and I totally think rifle jumping should be kept in. The game would be so annoying and boring if you could only score flags strafe running from base to base. There are many tricks and outplays you can do with rifle jumping and lots of players trained it to make it work in competitive play.
As for the "hax jump", I don't think it should be kept since it somehow makes it harder to hit the frog who's jumping.
6. what's your favourite weapon? did you consider the nade to be a possible primary weapon in 1.0?
I'd say I like sniper the most because it requires skill to be good with and I like the idea of chunking down multiple people to low health to help my team push in. Though SMG is just too strong right now so when I play the game (lol) I play SMG.
Actually, the idea of having one role for each weapon could be very interesting and I think I'd like it. Having one grenadier, one sniper, and one flagger (AR/SMG) could bring up some new teamplay/tactics.
7. do you use cubescript to customise your client? do you write the scripts yourself, or do you get them from someone else?
Yep I do use it, some of it I made myself some I copied, it's usually things that I find more practical. (name change, gamma fix, mastermode/autoteam shortcut...)
8. should servers provide a diversity of maps and modes - or do you prefer single-mode servers?
Diversity is better because it would the "scene" growing bigger. When I started AC, I was playing only TOSOK because it's what brings the most fun. But if I never gotten introduced to CTF and if I hadn't been forced to play it, I wouldve probably gotten stuck in the TOSOK forever part of AC.
If we can get all around good players (CTF, surv, TOSOK), it would increase pubs quality and maybe bring some newer players to the "competitive" play.
9. what do you think about gema servers and servers running camper 24/7?
I don't enjoy playing gemas cuz I think it's annoying when you don't suceed and fail the same jump 52 times in a row. But I can understand why it's fun and why people play it. Some players were inventive enough to create maps like those because they thought it was fun, I think it would be pretty stupid to remove it because "it's not how AC is supposed to be played". It's because of "old school" & conservative ideas like those that games stay stuck and don't evolve for years (ggwp "developers" as they like to call themselves)
10. a more technical question: would you care, if servers could only be hosted on linux machines?
Why would we reduce it to linux only? It would remove the possibility for Windows user to create servers and even if the technical aspect can be more rewarding using Linux, I don't think it'd be any "good" if we prohibitted players from making their own servers just because they're on Windows or Mac.