what games do you play competitively?
Poker. If you count games I don't earn money from, quake live/csgo/AC/sauer/dirtybomb.
what games do you watch competitively?
Q4, QL, CSGO, DB, AC, Sauer
do you even like competitive games?
Yeah. I play lots of them but not on a competitive level.
do you think it has a future?
do you want to have it as a future?
how much soda do you drink?
None, too sweet.
Poker. If you count games I don't earn money from, quake live/csgo/AC/sauer/dirtybomb.
what games do you watch competitively?
Q4, QL, CSGO, DB, AC, Sauer
do you even like competitive games?
Yeah. I play lots of them but not on a competitive level.
do you think it has a future?
do you want to have it as a future?
how much soda do you drink?
None, too sweet.