About AC development (part 2)...
1} what do you think about that? should nade pickups be in pairs again, should nade carry capability be "2" again, should armour be single-strength again?

We should split up the game in 2 categories. One to be funny, and the other one to be more serious/restricted. Nowadays, it's a good point to avoid "abusive lucky respawn-nade", but I remember that LSS was very much played in AC 1.0, and many players created several maps dedicated to this mod. We don't see anymore this emancipation today.

2} do you take the time after respawn to fill up nades and armour?

It all depends if enemy is/are coming in base, if I have to push/defend, if I'm playing pubs or matches... We can't determinate it, but if it's necessary and if we have the proper condition to fill up nades and armour, we do it ofc.

3} what do you think about the frag reduction of nade kills from "2" in 1.0 to "1" now?

Same as the frag reduction of AC 0.93 to AC 1.0

4} are helmets of any use or are they just pacman fodder?

I prefer to compare it with snake game, because we can buff into 100/100 by getting all kevlars/helmets... we can still die Immediately if we got headshoted, if you got killed from back, or if your enemy got a full aim against you (you die like a snake who got smashed into the wall). We should create a item called "armour" which generate 75% of chance to have 50 armour for losing team/player, instead that winning team/player have 75% of chance to have 25 armour). It's just an idea that we can elaborate ofc. It will be easier for a mapper to place the pickups.

5} what do you think about trickjumping?

This trick must be know by casual players, as they can crouch. It seem also unfair to use a bind/script or any automated help...

6} what's your favourite weapon? did you consider the nade to be a possible primary weapon in 1.0?

No for nade as primary weapon, as we dont have smoke-nade, flash-nade too...
My favourite weapon? It all depends on what map and what position I'll play.
The question should be, Which weapon do you use least? And I answer you carabine.

7} do you use cubescript to customise your client? do you write the scripts yourself, or do you get them from someone else?

I never used a script, that's why it seem (I feel) unfair against someone who use well a lot of them. Or we need include official scripts that we can enable/disable for casual players. They could be interested and edit themselves from AC files, to learn scripting maybe.

8} should servers provide a diversity of maps and modes - or do you prefer single-mode servers?

We should update the server menu, to display Official servers / Gema servers / Camper servers / And even Modded servers (If it can avoid to BL/report speedhacker from official servers, it's a solution to chill out their desire to have more HP/fly... idk their real envy). Like the zombie server of X Ray Dog is cool.

9} what do you think about gema servers and servers running camper 24/7?

The variety/diversity is the key of AC, to feel free playing this game. I don't like this mod, it's not a reason to ban them. We need just separate Official servers (who run official mod/maps) with Non-official servers, as I said previously. The interface need to be updated for a easier use.

10} a more technical question: would you care, if servers could only be hosted on linux machines?

Aww, it's better to be hosted on both machines (linux/windows) rather only one. Personally, I host my local server from windows, and my VPS from linux.
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Messages In This Thread
About AC development (part 2)... - by stef - 09 May 14, 05:34PM
RE: About AC development (part 2)... - by MPx - 10 May 14, 02:19AM
RE: About AC development (part 2)... - by XFA - 10 May 14, 05:19AM
RE: About AC development (part 2)... - by stef - 10 May 14, 09:42AM
RE: About AC development (part 2)... - by Jg99 - 11 May 14, 06:16AM
RE: About AC development (part 2)... - by jamz - 12 May 14, 07:56PM
RE: About AC development (part 2)... - by Krayce - 12 May 14, 11:16PM