1. did AC lose some of it's speed due to those changes? should nade pickups be in pairs again, should nade carry capability be "2" again, should armour be single-strength again?
-I don't think AC lost his speed
- If nades give 2kills again, nades should be in pairs but if we let nades with 1 kill it's useless to have 2 nades. Actually nades, are not worth in the logic of cost/ efficient.
2. do you take the time after respawn to fill up nades and armour?
Depends of the map. For example on ac_shine. When u're blue side, you have armour at your right. If you take it you have an advantage on duels but it gives you a disadvantage in term of positioning cause your ennemy have times to go on the health pack next to you and will be able to beat you in duel.
You have a bigger advantage if you have a better positioning.
If there is no danger when you spawn, i take armour but i'll not lose times for nades.
3. what do you think about the frag reduction of nade kills from "2" in 1.0 to "1" now?
It changed the gameplay. Most of 1.0 players are still using nades and new players aren't using it.
In addition, TDM was a competitive mode in 1.0, so nades were an important objective between teams.
Now, the only mode played is CTF. Kills are overrated.
4. are helmets of any use or are they just pacman fodder?
Don't know, but it's always worth having a helmet during duels.
5. what do you think about trickjumping?
I'll quote what vanquish said because he said everything about that.
"It's just another mechanical skill available to use in AC. Any form of macro or bind that assists your ability to trickjump should be removed, but there's no need to remove it wholly from the game - just like any other aspect of skill, it can be learnt"
6. what's your favourite weapon? did you consider the nade to be a possible primary weapon in 1.0?
I play SMG since 1.0. Nades were clearly a primary weapon in 1.0. When you use a nade it's all or nothing because you're vulnerable in duels and you need to predict ennemy's movement.
7. do you use cubescript to customise your client? do you write the scripts yourself, or do you get them from someone else?
I don't use anything.
8. should servers provide a diversity of maps and modes - or do you prefer single-mode servers?
Diversity is important cause the main mode is CTF. Players need to learn a bit about TDM or TKTF/ HTF wich are greatest mode in tournament because you need a huge teamwork.
In addition, players shouldn't be able to vote non official maps in my opinion.
9. what do you think about gema servers and servers running camper 24/7?
I love GEMA servers. You need skills to be able to reach the flag. It's a different aspect of AC and it's fun . I hope there'll be a gema competition.
Camper 24/7 is completly bullshit, remove it.
10. a more technical question: would you care, if servers could only be hosted on linux machines?
-I don't think AC lost his speed
- If nades give 2kills again, nades should be in pairs but if we let nades with 1 kill it's useless to have 2 nades. Actually nades, are not worth in the logic of cost/ efficient.
2. do you take the time after respawn to fill up nades and armour?
Depends of the map. For example on ac_shine. When u're blue side, you have armour at your right. If you take it you have an advantage on duels but it gives you a disadvantage in term of positioning cause your ennemy have times to go on the health pack next to you and will be able to beat you in duel.
You have a bigger advantage if you have a better positioning.
If there is no danger when you spawn, i take armour but i'll not lose times for nades.
3. what do you think about the frag reduction of nade kills from "2" in 1.0 to "1" now?
It changed the gameplay. Most of 1.0 players are still using nades and new players aren't using it.
In addition, TDM was a competitive mode in 1.0, so nades were an important objective between teams.
Now, the only mode played is CTF. Kills are overrated.
4. are helmets of any use or are they just pacman fodder?
Don't know, but it's always worth having a helmet during duels.
5. what do you think about trickjumping?
I'll quote what vanquish said because he said everything about that.
"It's just another mechanical skill available to use in AC. Any form of macro or bind that assists your ability to trickjump should be removed, but there's no need to remove it wholly from the game - just like any other aspect of skill, it can be learnt"
6. what's your favourite weapon? did you consider the nade to be a possible primary weapon in 1.0?
I play SMG since 1.0. Nades were clearly a primary weapon in 1.0. When you use a nade it's all or nothing because you're vulnerable in duels and you need to predict ennemy's movement.
7. do you use cubescript to customise your client? do you write the scripts yourself, or do you get them from someone else?
I don't use anything.
8. should servers provide a diversity of maps and modes - or do you prefer single-mode servers?
Diversity is important cause the main mode is CTF. Players need to learn a bit about TDM or TKTF/ HTF wich are greatest mode in tournament because you need a huge teamwork.
In addition, players shouldn't be able to vote non official maps in my opinion.
9. what do you think about gema servers and servers running camper 24/7?
I love GEMA servers. You need skills to be able to reach the flag. It's a different aspect of AC and it's fun . I hope there'll be a gema competition.
Camper 24/7 is completly bullshit, remove it.
10. a more technical question: would you care, if servers could only be hosted on linux machines?