About AC (game & community) development...
about you: first contact with ac, favourite game modes and maps, country, age, clan, other games

i first discovered assault cube in the end of 2009/beginning of 2010 (not sure anymore...most likely january 2010) - toegether with openarena. i was searching for fps games that would run on a netbook. ctf & dm. shine, des3, werk, power, gothic (i really dislike depot from the classic map pool). germany, 43, DES. other games: openarena, operation flashpoint (the old one), rogue spear, ghost recon (also the old ones), ut2003&2004.

do you mostly play public matches or do you prefer clan competition?

i play mostly on public servers. seldom i venture into 1vs1 duels or inters (very rare).

are you a regular 1vs1 player?

no...the other player always kills me...

do you care about your ratio or your flags-per-minute value? do you support team players even in just-for-fun games?

more a defensive / mid-field type of player... definitely more interested in ratio than flags - and yes i think i try to be supportive to the team.

community ties: where does AC community "happen" for you? only ingame, in the official forum, clan forums, IRC, mumble?

irc & clan forum.

is it easy for you to get help with problems with the game? where do you get help? which problems could not be solved?

again irc...luckily i have not had too many problems with the game (e.g. the soundbug seemingly doesnt affect me)

what do you think about the AC community? how could the community be made better? what would you like to contribute?

irc & clan forum are where it is happening for me. mostly fun - in stark contrast to the ingame communication. ac is kinda famous for complaining ingame...sometimes i get the feeling that some folks complain/troll more than they play when they are on a server. less trolling more playing mabye? i would like to contribute sheep pictures!

[Image: sheep.jpg]

what do you like about AC?

fast paced gameplay, easy to connect to a game server

what do you hate about AC?

nothing really... maybe the lack of a sheep map model?

do you play on a laptop or a desktop? does it have a dedicated graphics card or do you use chipset graphics? what average fps do you play at, and what screen resolution do you use? do you use features like "reduced violence mode" or degraded textures? do you use colored vests?
do you play with headphones or with a surround system or do you use the builtin speakers of your laptop?

laptop...i7, dedicated graphics. 250 fps stable, full textures... 1600x900. nope. yay for colored vests (use protox skins...they look better imho). headphones.

where should AC development be headed to? what should the next release bring? would you like AC to concentrate on it's own classic gameplay or should it be molded to be more like another game (and what other game)? do you play other games of the cube family?

i think the gameplay should settle in (no more major changes between versions), error fixing should be a priority and general polish (e.g. user interface. maybe some cool shader stuff etc.). ac should cater to its own niche - aka fast placed arcadeish gameplay with few & defined weapons. maybe a centralized ladder (lovely stats...) i really miss the hi-skill ladder...

one feature AC should add:

sheep map model!

one feature AC should remove:

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Messages In This Thread
RE: About AC (game & community) development... - by schaf - 10 May 14, 12:40PM