About AC development (part 2)...
from anonymous:

1. & 2. I never understood what the purpose of having helmet was, even if was half the amount of defense than kevlar, it was spread around maps on a higher number (depending on map size, I assume?), and cut the chance of making armor something to have control over the enemy team. Also by the armor becoming stronger against damage it slowed the speed on taking opponents off hence slowing the game as well, add to that every weapon reacted different as to the amount of bullets to wear off a full armored kevlar (100), favoring AR over the rest as I recall.

I remember the 2 nades were okay, except for the respawn was fast enough for people to camp at, plus the x2 frag was an incentive for ratio whores to use them. Current nades looks better imo, they take longer now to respawn if I'm not wrong, no double frag, no double instant killing chance, makes you choose more carefully to how play that card, however, its less noticeable with stacked armor, you can even survive a direct hit, making mandatory to stack grenades, hence, wasting some time.

That being said, seems logical to slightly reduce the effect on kevlar and remove helmets, you get the fast pace on both farming pick ups - killing time. It becomes harder to stack kevlar and becomes only useful for those that make a purpose of it (attacking enemy base/ defending own base), instead of everyone becoming a tank, giving no edge to anyone unless your team has drowned the opponent at their own base, giving no chance to collect pick ups.

3. I think as for nades, seems reasonable, in case of SRx2 frag kill, I understand why some would be annoyed or pissed at the single frag change, it was somewhat a "reward" for having the skill/luck to spot the opponent's head. And could throw to the roofs the kdr of any quality SR user.

4. Just camper's fodder imo.

5. I think gema's players may be more aware than most of competitive players. It has some use, but it could be better if more maps were worked around this, I certainly use jumping for climbing or skipping parts of a maps such as ac_power, werk and elevation sometimes. Trick Jumping may be more known if game wasn't so centered on the typical maps/modes that many servers hosts use to drag people in.

Introducing players with custom maps that are acknowledged by community to be played with the trickjumping feature could be an initiative to show some of that potential. This leads me to other topic, that is promoting new content or anything related to AC on the home page, it shows there's life revolving the game and that Devs promote emerging content both from them and community. As for using any other social media, such as fb or yt, it's okay as far as it get properly updated.

6. SMG most of the time, when I cared to play competitively it was my main weapon for mostly everything, then SR, but after the head hitbox reduction, it became a fact that I was sloppy and just a casual to be even considered a competent player with it.

7. Used to, for skipping grenade when scrolling between weapons, probably a few more but nothing special. Got them from the scripting threads.

8. It should provide variety and master server should distribute the server by the type of game you choose, coop map list, private matches list, public game list, empty server list and a possible modded server list, hell, I don't know, even a blacklisted server list for everyone to get his piece of cake, with a disclosure telling why it was removed and the option to enter at your own risk.

9. They seem more populated and notorious because there's no proportional amount of decent servers running nowadays, reason why, I assume, people care less to even try to get in a public match, I remember last time I played there wasn't a public game that wasn't some ac_camper, just played a bit because that certainly would be one of the few times I'd come back.
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