1: what do you think about that? did AC lose some of it's speed due to those changes? should nade pickups be in pairs again, should nade carry capability be "2" again, should armour be single-strength again?
A: I think, that AC gameplay lost some dynamism because of those changes. So: nades - difficult to say; armour - I prefer solution from v. 1.0 .
2. do you take the time after respawn to fill up nades and armour?
A: Nades - rather yes, especially then, when they are close. Armour - I usually ignore kevlar and helmets, even if they are close.
3. what do you think about the frag reduction of nade kills from "2" in 1.0 to "1" now?
A: I really don't like this reduction.
4. are helmets of any use or are they just pacman fodder?
A: Rather pacman fodder :)
5. what do you think about trickjumping?
A: I would like to remove it - IMO that is unfair, not everyone can use that (for example me).
6. what's your favourite weapon? did you consider the nade to be a possible primary weapon in 1.0?
A: Sniper rifle. No, I didn't.
7. do you use cubescript to customise your client? do you write the scripts yourself, or do you get them from someone else?
A: Yes. I wrote them mainly myself.
8. should servers provide a diversity of maps and modes - or do you prefer single-mode servers?
A: Diversity of maps, rather not diversity of modes.
9. what do you think about gema servers and servers running camper 24/7?
A: In 1.2 there is bug (fixed already in developer version), which caused, that servers with unofficial maps aren't on the bottom of serverlist - it helps to popularize crappy maps/"modes". Generally visibility of such servers should be somehow decreased, maybe bans in more extreme situations.
10. a more technical question: would you care, if servers could only be hosted on linux machines?
A: Rather no.
Edit: I supplemented the answer to 1st question.
A: I think, that AC gameplay lost some dynamism because of those changes. So: nades - difficult to say; armour - I prefer solution from v. 1.0 .
2. do you take the time after respawn to fill up nades and armour?
A: Nades - rather yes, especially then, when they are close. Armour - I usually ignore kevlar and helmets, even if they are close.
3. what do you think about the frag reduction of nade kills from "2" in 1.0 to "1" now?
A: I really don't like this reduction.
4. are helmets of any use or are they just pacman fodder?
A: Rather pacman fodder :)
5. what do you think about trickjumping?
A: I would like to remove it - IMO that is unfair, not everyone can use that (for example me).
6. what's your favourite weapon? did you consider the nade to be a possible primary weapon in 1.0?
A: Sniper rifle. No, I didn't.
7. do you use cubescript to customise your client? do you write the scripts yourself, or do you get them from someone else?
A: Yes. I wrote them mainly myself.
8. should servers provide a diversity of maps and modes - or do you prefer single-mode servers?
A: Diversity of maps, rather not diversity of modes.
9. what do you think about gema servers and servers running camper 24/7?
A: In 1.2 there is bug (fixed already in developer version), which caused, that servers with unofficial maps aren't on the bottom of serverlist - it helps to popularize crappy maps/"modes". Generally visibility of such servers should be somehow decreased, maybe bans in more extreme situations.
10. a more technical question: would you care, if servers could only be hosted on linux machines?
A: Rather no.
Edit: I supplemented the answer to 1st question.