About AC (game & community) development...
Hey stef, I hope you don't mind a currently inactive player to share his thoughts here.

Q: about you: first contact with ac, favourite game modes and maps, country, age, clan, other games

A: Around since .93, favourite modes are CTF and HTF, all maps that look nice and play smooth are welcomed, turning 30 this year, used to be in DES a while ago, pretty much only playing Battlefield 4 at the moment, Counter Strike:GO every once in a while

Q: do you mostly play public matches or do you prefer clan competition? are you a regular 1vs1 player? do you care about your ratio or your flags-per-minute value? do you support team players even in just-for-fun games?

A: Mostly public matches really, 1vs1 is fine every now and then, ratio always should be >1, though going for objectives is prior on flag modes after all, team play is what makes online games fun for me

Q: community ties: where does AC community "happen" for you? only ingame, in the official forum, clan forums, IRC, mumble?

A: Mainly in the official forum, used to be IRC back when I had time to hang out there all day long, today I prefer so called "buddy-systems" which are focused on finding playing "friends" and jump right onto their game, rather than chatting away the time (see BFs battlelog)

Q: is it easy for you to get help with problems with the game? where do you get help? which problems could not be solved?

A: Well, there could be more actual info about the ongoing developments, even though this has become better lately

Q: what do you think about the AC community? how could the community be made better? what would you like to contribute?

A: Sorry, I really don't know.

Q:what do you like about AC?

A: Simplicity, straight forward fast paced gameplay, ability to rather easily create custem content (maps, models, etc.)

Q: what do you hate about AC?

A: Insanely high pings are generally accepted, poor map/mode combinations are played day in day out, hardly ever get two good games in a row, hence my inactivity

Q: do you play on a laptop or a desktop? does it have a dedicated graphics card or do you use chipset graphics? what average fps do you play at, and what screen resolution do you use? do you use features like "reduced violence mode" or degraded textures? do you use colored vests?

A: Desktop, Dell i5, Nvidia GFX 560 ti, MaxFPS 60, 1920x1080, gibs disabled (useless gimmick) and blood on (hit indicator), all graphic settings on max, colored vests ever since they got introduced

Q: do you play with headphones or with a surround system or do you use the builtin speakers of your laptop?

A: Headphones

Q: where should AC development be headed to? what should the next release bring? would you like AC to concentrate on it's own classic gameplay or should it be molded to be more like another game (and what other game)? do you play other games of the cube family?

A: The classic gameplay should be kept, though some modern features could still add up on the experience while not slowing things down, no other cube game here

Q: one feature AC should add:

A: Advanced GFX/UI, lets start by finishing high resolution textures support (half way done afaik)

Q: one feature AC should remove:

A: Any cube script command that has impact on gameplay (jump scripts and whatnot)
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Messages In This Thread
RE: About AC (game & community) development... - by Mr.Floppy - 08 May 14, 06:42PM