openAL and Assaultcube
Your questions does not makes sense at all.
Making good use of programming terminology will help you understand the concepts and be able to reformulate correct questions.
I'm not trying to be harsh, that said: It's not 'conected' the correct term to say is 'linked'; OpenAL, OpenGL, Enet, SDL are assemblies (in the context of a managed environment) which can be dynamic or static libraries that are linked to an executable. Also you don't say 'porting', porting is when you translate source code from either to another language or another architecture. By making use of library calls you are not porting it you are merely using the library.
Also you don't specify what are you trying achieve and what are the specific problems you've encountered in the process of doing it. People that could help, will be unable to since it is hard to guess what are you trying to do.

My guess is that you are getting linker errors and/or a bad configurations in Netbeans.
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Messages In This Thread
openAL and Assaultcube - by Mousikos - 28 Apr 14, 06:02AM
RE: openAL and Assaultcube - by TheNihilanth - 28 Apr 14, 11:59PM
RE: openAL and Assaultcube - by Mousikos - 29 Apr 14, 12:21AM
RE: openAL and Assaultcube - by Mousikos - 01 May 14, 06:19AM
RE: openAL and Assaultcube - by TheNihilanth - 01 May 14, 08:13PM
RE: openAL and Assaultcube - by Mousikos - 01 May 14, 08:46PM
RE: openAL and Assaultcube - by Ronald_Reagan - 02 May 14, 07:58AM