(14 Apr 14, 11:53AM)ketar Wrote: I am blacklisted from Perros server. We used to be good friend. Then something changed, I never could really know why. Now he sees me as an enemy. Last time I saw him he insulted me badly with no reasons, maybe just 'cause in a previous post I suggested to use Bob Ladder as official one. But really I do not know exactly why.
Probably what he really couldn't stand was that , when I had admin on some servers, he was constantly asking me to ban this or that player he did not like (in particular Paul Mudabaibskkakakka, wtf is his name) and I was not accomplishing his requests. I do not use admin's *powers* to make favors to *friends*, I have to witness an abuse to take measures.
Apart from this - which is very lame - he can do what he wants on his servers. Tho this doesn't follow my idea of community.
go play on the ladder there are always people playing!. and I do not get banned on my servers! these will be in nicknameblacklist, to see if we learn to say the right things.
(14 Apr 14, 12:08PM)Alien Wrote: This game grew up with "master server" role and masters were often terrible but they were followed by players in the game. You can put question, how can be undead followed by someone ? If he will be bad master, he will end alone. Perros has just only 6 servers, nobody use his blacklist as was Clown's used. So he cannot standardize AC player base. The important is diversity, what should be kept.
he is active, this is important for players online, not admin who has time to react in the evening, this is probably why his servers, but if he will be bad, people will leave him for sure and it is worse than some nightmare because of mpx ;)
do not worry my servers will be removed from this game.