12 Apr 14, 07:50AM
I want to show with this, whoever comes to trolling when I'm playing will be kicked from the server. because I have not put up any idiot on my servers!
and if you think I'm going to remove servers, that are expected to sitting at home because I'm in this game for long! complain because other servers, because always mine?
Because Because, always against me, up to vote map says there is abuse! To put the servers whenever I can vote for that game, or I have to ask permission from anyone?
and come to give up the ass all day when they see me, I'm sick of trolls, but I'll be there to give a kick to those idiots who want to harm the game!
my blacklist and I can do whatever I want and nicknameblacklist the same, no one has to say to me to do with it.
eye and my blacklist is not like before because I was banned for over a known player! ex cheater, cheater etc etc.
and if you think I'm going to remove servers, that are expected to sitting at home because I'm in this game for long! complain because other servers, because always mine?
Because Because, always against me, up to vote map says there is abuse! To put the servers whenever I can vote for that game, or I have to ask permission from anyone?
and come to give up the ass all day when they see me, I'm sick of trolls, but I'll be there to give a kick to those idiots who want to harm the game!
my blacklist and I can do whatever I want and nicknameblacklist the same, no one has to say to me to do with it.
eye and my blacklist is not like before because I was banned for over a known player! ex cheater, cheater etc etc.