в Украине живет много националистов,ненавидящих русских,этим ктото воспользовался.. а может и само по себе начало бурлить... (в Украине много людей живущих почти на пороге бедности,но в самой России ситуация ничем не лучше,только небольшая прослойка людей 20-35% может обеспечить себе более-менее комфортные условия для жизни)...
in Ukraine there are many nationalists, Russian hate, someone took it .. and maybe itself beginning to boil ... (in Ukraine many people living almost on the verge of poverty, but in Russia the situation is no better, only a small layer of 20 people -35% can provide a more or less comfortable conditions for life)
//XRD edit: Translated
In Ukraine there are many nationalists, who hate Russians, and someone seems to have made use of it.. Or maybe it had started "boiling" by itself... (in Ukraine there are a lot of people living on the brink of poverty, however the situation is not that different in Russia itself; only a portion of people 20-35% can provide themselves a more or less comfortable life)...
//SKB: less sucky translation
in Ukraine there are many nationalists, Russian hate, someone took it .. and maybe itself beginning to boil ... (in Ukraine many people living almost on the verge of poverty, but in Russia the situation is no better, only a small layer of 20 people -35% can provide a more or less comfortable conditions for life)
//XRD edit: Translated
In Ukraine there are many nationalists, who hate Russians, and someone seems to have made use of it.. Or maybe it had started "boiling" by itself... (in Ukraine there are a lot of people living on the brink of poverty, however the situation is not that different in Russia itself; only a portion of people 20-35% can provide themselves a more or less comfortable life)...
//SKB: less sucky translation