Script to disconnect on vote pass
(23 Feb 14, 02:38PM)Bukz Wrote: Theres always mapstartonce and mapstartalways.


// Disconnect on map vote:
mapstartalways = [
    autodownload 0
    autogetmap 0
    // Turn-off auto-map download features. Jamz will getmap manually.
    disconnectmaps = [ camper ]
    // Space delimited list of maps that we don't like.
    n = (listlen $disconnectmaps)
    // How many maps are there in the disconnectmaps alias?
    loop i $n [
    // Loop as many times as there are maps, as found out above.
        discmapname = (at $disconnectmaps $i)
        // Each loop, pull the next map from the disconnectmaps list.
        if (strcmp $discmapname (curmap 1)) [
        // Then, compare it to the current map.
            say "Hmm, bad map choice..."; sleep 0 [ disconnect; joinservermenu ]
            // If the current map matches the list, say something, sleep to allow the
            // message to be sent, then leave the server and show the server menu.
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Messages In This Thread
Script to disconnect on vote pass - by jamz - 22 Feb 14, 06:52PM
RE: Script to disconnect on vote pass - by RandumKiwi - 23 Feb 14, 07:42PM