Posts: 101
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Joined: Sep 2011
(23 Feb 14, 11:26AM)RandumKiwi Wrote: ...
Jpablon: Your code is overly complex.
I had no idea about persistent sleeps.
alias vote_map_list [
"ac_douze say eaeaee; sleep 500 [ disconnect ] 1"
"ac_shine say Im to noob for this map; sleep 500 [ disconnect ] 1"
"ac_raptrap say I dont understand how this shi**y map is official; sleep 500 [ disconnect ] 1"
alias last_voted_type [ 0 ]
alias last_voted_map [ 0 ]
alias onCallVote [
last_voted_type = $arg1
if (= $arg1 7) [
last_voted_map = (format "%1" $arg3)
alias onVoteEnd [
if (&& (strcmp $conline "vote passed") (= $last_voted_type 7)) [
looplist $vote_map_list lemap [
if (strcmp (at $lemap 0) $last_voted_map) [
execute (substr $lemap (strlen $last_voted_map))
There was not a big difference between having fences or not, I used to have a large percentage of unhits anyway.