CBGaming | Giving Away and Hosting AssaultCube Servers!
You make it sound like you don't want to be here. If you're going to leave, then go away.

If you're going to stay, then don't be so over-dramatic.

You're not the first newcomer to make an ass of themselves and then feel 'wronged' by the community, and you won't be the last. Get over it.

That being said, I've decided to give you the benefit of the doubt. I'm going to assume that you really were well-intentioned at the beginning, and to that I have this to say: I appreciate that you meant well, and thank you for trying to do some good, but unfortunately you've gone about things the wrong way, and you've ended up making the community defensive. I'm sorry that things turned out this way for you.

Now, you now have two choices.

A). You can choose to be the bigger man here. You can choose to be mature, apologize, admit your mistake, and move on.

B). You can choose to hold a grudge, and continue with this pointless nonsense. You can choose to be exactly like those you dislike. You can choose to pout and whine and complain, and noone will be suprised.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: CBGaming | Giving Away and Hosting AssaultCube Servers! - by Thrawn - 08 Feb 14, 02:48AM