18 Jan 14, 07:22AM
(18 Jan 14, 03:43AM)+f0r3v3r+ Wrote:Doing it this way turns each of those keys into a switch for admin...[SELECT ALL] Code:alias a1 [setadmin 1 PASSWORD1;setadmin 0]
alias a2 [setadmin 1 PASSWORD2;setadmin 0]
alias a3 [setadmin 1 PASSWORD3;setadmin 0]
bind KP1 [a1]
bind KP2 [a2]
bind KP3 [a3]
In 1.1 this would have taken it and dropped it simultaneously...
In 1.2 you press it once to claim and the again to release admin...
Well, that's it, for now...But thank you again for sharing the knowledge - nice project!
Thanks +f0r3v3r+ ! Hey, I didn't know that, somehow it eluded me. I was using the sleep command to somehow deal with it. This is great info, I'll make sure to change this stuff.