(14 Jan 14, 02:25PM)killerjoe Wrote: The first requirement is 'You cannot have a big open area in your map more than 10000 cubes'. Area is squared and volume is cubed. So what is meant by the above wording. I have discovered that if you keep the floor space (area) the same but increase the volume that there comes a point where your map no longer fits quality requisites. Obviously, if a person is going to commit to spending their time building a map, it is helpful if the requirements are accurate and consistent and written whith clarity. So please will somebody clarify the requirements.
luc@s (young developer assaultcube male from france) made restrictions and jamz accepted their,their reason for resctrictions- we hates new maps,we scared new maps, if you made something another but not this- ac_standartcrap - we hate you and your friends,our rules,if you not accept that,go away :)