(11 Jan 14, 01:12AM)PhaNtom Wrote: No, it's not. LeXuS needs to gtfo lolI thought it was funny, at least to forget what's just hapenned in this forum...
(11 Jan 14, 01:12AM)PhaNtom Wrote: Please do us a favor and stop making stupid memes.The memes are intentionally stupid;
You have to know that A 'meme' doesn't have to be funny, provocative or even make sense.
(11 Jan 14, 01:12AM)PhaNtom Wrote: It would be more useful if you deleted your user account so we don't have to hear your crap.Do it first, 1 rager in less (noraj bro).
By the way, you can delete my account from ur inactive forum if it can make you more indulgent in the future (pls).