05 Jan 14, 06:37PM
Everyone knows Feng is the best:
Quote:Feng=MyS=: anyone wanna x1...or was that XFA. I got confused.
Feng=MyS= is now known as best=MyS=
Me: Undead plays as 'the_best'. You can't both be the best
best=MyS=: undead is bad
A&D_XFA: undead beat feng
A&D_XFA: i beat undead
A&D_XFA: so i guess i'm the best
Me: no-one would question that, XFA
A&D_XFA: glad
best=MyS=: A&D_XFA
best=MyS=: undead beat me 5 years ago
A&D_XFA: i beat undead 6 years ago
best=MyS=: he is scared
best=MyS=: to
A&D_XFA: lol
best=MyS=: I can beat him now
best=MyS=: easy
best=MyS=: im #1 in AC now
A&D_XFA: not really
Me: or in any way
A&D_XFA: i mean undead did beat you, and i beat undead
A&D_XFA: i'm pretty sure i'm #1
best=MyS=: we are talking about present. not past
A&D_XFA: same
best=MyS=: A&D_XFA u want to 1v1 and get raped?
A&D_XFA: nah i don't get raped
best=MyS=: i will beat u with 3 kd
best=MyS=: i just beat castial with 6 ratio LOL
best=MyS=: Castial > Undead
A&D_XFA: Undead > Feng
best=MyS=: no.
best=MyS=: vermi > undead
best=MyS=: feng > vermi
best=MyS=: get your facts right mate
A&D_XFA: i beat vermi with a 20 ratio
A&D_XFA: or not
best=MyS=: there are only 2 players who can beat me LOL
A&D_XFA: Undead and I
best=MyS=: no
best=MyS=: A&D_XFA zip it plz ur bad
A&D_XFA: badass8