I guess is the "Vista" version of AC..
There are always people trying to compare Linux with Windows OS.
That depends on the application. Endpoint.

I will compare Linux to FreeBSD - No. I compare Open Solaris and MacOS. No.

Like to read and learn about computers, hardware and software? Have enough time to do it? So go play with Linux.

Do not want to spend much time learning and is focused on application. Use Windows .

There are bugs in Linux - Yes!
You can leave Windows stable ? Yes!

Want to read many lines of programming? Linux. Kernel bla bla bla? Linux.

Just want to trigger a shortcut and run your game smoothly with sound? Windows!
Ups ... We are a small sound problem for Windows ... there are some other minor bugs ... You have problems connecting to the servers?

Will soon be provided a Patch called AC 1.3
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
RE: I guess is the "Vista" version of AC.. - by 1Cap - 22 Dec 13, 10:09PM