Please, switch off 1.04 version
This shouldn't even be be a discussion. I repeat again: the devs can do whatever they like.

Discussions are good for forums and gamers alike. This attitude of total power is not. The devs can ultimately do whatever they like. However, since they are intelligent and wise beyond years, they understand the necessity of allowing discussions like these to be had. These discussions allow them to get a glimpse into the minds of the players in their community.

1. The devs have absolute power.

True, but if you could stop ramming this down our throats every time an interesting discussion such as this one takes place we'd like you a whole lot more.

2. The devs are shutting down the 1.0 masterserver (sooner or later)

Yes that's right. The subject of this thread is a request to do it now when many people still are still waiting for 1.1 to work all the bugs out.

^^People are arguing, and defending differing points of view in a manner that befits any democracy with a strong central government. With as little bloodshed as possible. Amazing isn't it?^^

3. It follows from 1) that you can do nothing to prevent 2)

This is just a downright maddening statement and absolutely indicative of that Toto Powa! way your mind works friend. Refer to 2 add that answer to 3 and equate into the algebra the factor of X-Y-Zenon, otherwise known as, "miss" the point much? Refer above ^^

4. You can create your own masterserver for 1.0.

Would it really be AC?

5. You can create your own servers for 1.0.

How bout no? Everyone knows AC will eventually switch to 1.1 and so will their shimmies.

6. You will always still be able to download 1.0.

That is cool. I play .93 occasionally cuz it's awesome. Were you making a point or just stating the obvious? Your Jedi mind tricks are no match for my Royal Manticoran Naval Training at the prestigious Saganami Island!

7. It follows from 4), 5), and 6) that you can still play 1.0 if you so choose.

Not many people wish to branch it off and do it outside the community. THIS IS SPARTA i.e. THIS IS AC-AA.

8. People who complain get annoying after a while.

Sure Pandel goes off on ragey-go-rounds and talks smack on some homies with more street cred than Denzel Washington in Training Day :: throws tipper some gangsigns :: but it's actually pretty refreshing for a forum to have a little bite in it.

9. Many of you are complaining about 2), however, given 7), you have no reason to complain.

I've quit trying to make sense of your Illuminati signs.


They have their act together. Maybe it's the people who just blatantly stroll right into the conversation and start screaming about dev rights when it's quite clear to even the most uninterested observer that this entire discussion is actually an exercise OF dev rights. By allowing this thread they are showing us that they are interested in what we have to say, even though it may not be implemented in the long run. Pretty sweet ain't it? All of this aside I believe we'd all appreciate it if you let this discussion get back on track and at the very least start phrasing your opinions in a manner that doesn't make us want to bang our heads into a wall while fervently praying that we spontaneously combust into a million pieces of drinkable liquid the likes of which will fuel a rocket to the planet Zarrkkon home of the Scorpion King.
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Messages In This Thread
Please, switch off 1.04 version - by Alien - 10 Sep 10, 03:27PM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by markperez - 10 Sep 10, 03:28PM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by Akku - 10 Sep 10, 05:59PM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by Alien - 10 Sep 10, 07:12PM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by ketar - 10 Sep 10, 10:03PM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by Alien - 10 Sep 10, 07:36PM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by Alien - 10 Sep 10, 08:32PM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by Harps - 10 Sep 10, 08:36PM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by Harps - 10 Sep 10, 09:18PM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by Bukz - 10 Sep 10, 11:13PM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by Zomg! - 10 Sep 10, 11:24PM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by Vermi - 11 Sep 10, 02:26AM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by Foo - 11 Sep 10, 04:33AM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by Mael - 11 Sep 10, 08:48PM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by XFA - 11 Sep 10, 04:57AM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by V-Man - 11 Sep 10, 07:08AM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by MorganKell - 12 Sep 10, 03:10AM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by JMM - 12 Sep 10, 11:14AM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by V-Man - 13 Sep 10, 01:56AM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by Vermi - 13 Sep 10, 08:28AM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by C4rU$ - 14 Sep 10, 08:02PM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by ketar - 15 Sep 10, 11:23PM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by Mael - 16 Sep 10, 01:57AM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by LucyWiig72 - 16 Sep 10, 03:26AM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by JMM - 24 Sep 10, 10:58AM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by Bukz - 24 Sep 10, 11:00AM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by JMM - 24 Sep 10, 11:08AM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by JMM - 24 Sep 10, 11:33AM
RE: Please, switch off 1.04 version - by JMM - 24 Sep 10, 01:30PM