26 Jun 10, 04:40AM
alias aban [ // Take admin, force fail existing votes, whois,
// // screenshot, and ban an offender with /aban cn.
// // Also reminds you to download the demo on the
// // start of the next map.
if (&& (> (listlen $arg1) 0)(= $connected 1))[
tmp_admin_victim = $arg1
if (= (currole) 0) [
sleep 150 [whois $tmp_admin_victim]
sleep 300 [vote 2; toggleconsole]
sleep 600 [screenshot; ban $tmp_admin_victim]
sleep 1500 [setadmin 0; toggleconsole]
sleep 150 [whois $tmp_admin_victim; vote 2; toggleconsole]
sleep 500 [screenshot; ban $tmp_admin_victim]
sleep 900 [toggleconsole]
sleep 1200 [alias mapstartonce [sleep 5000 [echo "Don't forget to download demo!"]]]
Epic ban script - requires grenadier's claimadmin script, also this is a modded version of grenadiers original aban script, modded by myself and GeneralDisarray.
Enjoy. :)