Exoduss represents me -
You dont need to read this..
Quote:Techniques for the prevention and detection of cheaters

A lot of money is at stake when we talk about cheats in online games , so there's a real war against the tools and practices aimed at defrauding the system . Despite the various security tools and encryption of data already available in the market , there is no ' easy way ' to stop cheaters . The researchers divided the Yan and Choi main preventive practices and overt to deal with this threat into ten groups , here only the five most important , in my opinion .

Detection of cheating Native
The battle between the cheaters and anti - cheat systems is very similar to the battle against the virus. However , the anti - cheats have an advantage in their war : the possibility of building a detection system with the software factory fresh. Many developers such as Joe Wilcox of Epic Games , think this is the best practice to avoid this threat .

Yan and Choi say that in case the company responsible for not being able to ensure its integrity , a protection system must be deployed to the server , and is commonly installed in a protected environment , making it difficult to cheater interfere with the operation of the software .

This is the modus operandi of HLGuard used by Valve in their games , it is activated during a random time window and saves all data as the percentage of correct shots , for example in the form of statistics and identifies the players who are well above average . There were no cases of players claiming they were only banned for being " too good " . This could actually happen , and illustrates the pitfalls of this type of technique.

Some detection systems act as an intermediary between the client and the server by checking data sent and received, and comparing them in order to find some modification made by third-party software on the way , while other systems act scaneando the client computer looking cheats or modifications to the CRC of the game . This is highly controversial , because in a way you're invading the privacy of the player , Sony tried this in their popular MMORPG EverQuest , but gave up after the massive negative feedback from the gaming community .

Reduce customer information
Some games run a full simulation of the game client side , this allows cheaters to find information they should not have access . The Counter Strike suffered this problem in its early versions , which forced Valve to develop the aforementioned HLGuard , which among other things would take the responsibility of the customer to generate information about some scene objects (avoiding wall- hack ) , and made the player does not receive information from other players he was not seeing .

This problem can be observed in most current RTS , where information about the " fog of war " in the map is stored on the client side , making life easier for the hacker who can , through little effort , modify the files relating to her giving full visibility of the map. This problem in recent Starcraft 2 .

Encrypt sensitive data
Cheaters had easy life a few years since most of the data were stored in memory or sent to a server in the same way as was found in the games . This has to be fought by encrypting important data and desired by cheaters .

Efficiency fix bugs
Matt Pritchard says that no developer can identify all the bugs out before the game , which makes it an indispensable system of crisis management which includes the release of software patches

An active community and responsive
An open communication channel with users is vital for a company that wants to be apart of what is happening within your game. There will always be players willing to betray cheaters and inform the staff about bugs and exploits are being used . Servers must respond quickly to the user so that he is aware that their information is being taken seriously by the provider company .

Cheating in online games is a serious problem with a large potential losses to the industry of video games if not treated with seriousness and aggressiveness . On the other hand , there are companies that profit from developing software and hardware designed for those who want to break the rules of the game ....

Is a mess. In AssaultCube we have scripts . And you can not control it . I know that there have been advances . In textures, for example.
Why do we need scripts ?
Open source does not mean insecure.
I believe that James is making a personal control of cheaters ... and every human process has flaws . Is this the price ?
I know ... there is the championship .. then there exists a modified client for this ... then we will see who is really good ...
nah ...

I agree that the game should have patches all the time . This would hinder hackers ...
Let's be pragmatic . If I 'm not programming for the game , does not mean that my statements are harmful .
I come here to speak on this foum when I realize that there is a risk to the game .
The community declined dramatically ! The number of players also decreased . And there is only one hope that things will change .
No one understands that this is a risk to the end of the game ? For the game does not have more support ... will not be a game without players ...
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Messages In This Thread
Exoduss represents me - - by 1Cap - 17 Nov 13, 08:42AM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by C4rma - 17 Nov 13, 10:29AM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Fate - 17 Nov 13, 10:29AM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by KnifeOnly - 17 Nov 13, 11:28AM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Vanquish - 17 Nov 13, 11:31AM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by DeathCrew77 - 17 Nov 13, 11:47AM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Orynge - 17 Nov 13, 12:15PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Robtics - 17 Nov 13, 12:39PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Morrigan - 17 Nov 13, 12:52PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by |HP| - 17 Nov 13, 01:16PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Marti - 17 Nov 13, 01:29PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by 1Cap - 17 Nov 13, 06:27PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by KnifeOnly - 18 Nov 13, 07:42AM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by #M|A#Wolf - 18 Nov 13, 07:35PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Marti - 18 Nov 13, 07:55PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Waffles - 18 Nov 13, 08:19PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Vanquish - 18 Nov 13, 09:30PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Luc@s - 18 Nov 13, 09:51PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by 1Cap - 19 Nov 13, 08:18AM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Luc@s - 19 Nov 13, 06:56PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Jpablon - 19 Nov 13, 07:10PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by C4rma - 19 Nov 13, 08:43AM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by 1Cap - 19 Nov 13, 08:16PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Marti - 19 Nov 13, 09:01PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Luc@s - 19 Nov 13, 10:08PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by bballn45 - 19 Nov 13, 09:20PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Orynge - 20 Nov 13, 01:09AM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Marti - 19 Nov 13, 09:31PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by TheNihilanth - 19 Nov 13, 10:00PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by X-Ray_Dog - 19 Nov 13, 10:27PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by 1Cap - 20 Nov 13, 04:24AM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Marti - 20 Nov 13, 11:44AM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by abyss - 21 Nov 13, 02:53PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by #M|A#Wolf - 22 Nov 13, 09:30AM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Bukz - 22 Nov 13, 09:41AM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by abyss - 22 Nov 13, 03:51PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Misty - 03 Jan 14, 02:59PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Alien - 03 Jan 14, 05:51PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by ExodusS - 03 Jan 14, 07:40PM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by YourSister - 23 Jan 14, 05:44AM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by Marti - 23 Jan 14, 08:45AM
RE: Exoduss represents me - - by YourSister - 23 Jan 14, 04:13PM