Two things that are a bit frustrating
Maybe I am too sensitive to this.

1) It appears the movement delay is because I am holding forward before re-spawning, the player does not move forward as soon as he spawn if you are holding forward. Instead you have to press forward again to move. This is a unexpected behavior, most games allow you to begin holding forward before you spawn unless there is a delay for buying items or whatever before the game starts.

2) Nevermind about number 2, it is ping related I just re-did bunch of tests on LAN.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Two things that are a bit frustrating - by protox - 10 Sep 10, 09:39PM
RE: Two things that are a bit frustrating - by joymoke - 12 Sep 10, 06:16PM
RE: Two things that are a bit frustrating - by tomasjohn - 13 Sep 10, 07:47AM