13 Nov 13, 08:03PM
(13 Nov 13, 04:33PM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: This would lead to too much abuse by the mapper. Mapmodels shouldn't enhance geometry for the most part.
If the models were scalable, you wouldn't need much of them.
For instance, a basic pipe a player could walk through would need only 4 pieces, no matter the length, and making a pipe is currently impossible without very serious amounts of effort and a large object number.
Making a car, a van or a truck out of these pieces would be quite possible, with needing 8 pieces for a simple depiction of a car, 7 for a van and 9 for a truck. Of course, you could make them from more pieces so they look more detailed.
Enhanced geometry made available with using objects to further the limited abilities of the editor would make possible some currently very hard to do elements, like two holes above each other in a single wall for example. I'm sure I don't need to list more examples.
I can see why you would want lag free maps as official maps, but I don't see what restricting maps that aren't endorsed as official would be good. After all, the players don't choose official maps, so there's no chance a map could be official without your approval, and I don't believe you would pass any maps that are too laggy or over cluttered with useless objects that don't enhance a given map in a meaningful way.
If a map doesn't over use objects, enhancing geometry with objects shouldn't be an issue IMO.