Visualization of AssaultCube Development
I loved watching this, cause it looked like a fight scene between code vs media, so at first (since makkE taught me a lot, so I do look up to him + I work on media), I was like "YEAH, GO makkE! BEAT driAn's ASS!"

... then, driAn brings eihrul into the fight and makkE is K.O. and I'm like "aww :("

.... then, makkE comes back and Toca and I join him and we're not as strong as the code team, but we hold our ground.

... but then, things started looking less like a fight and more like a collaboration :) and I was like "Awwww :)"
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RE: Visualization of AssaultCube Development - by RandumKiwi - 07 Nov 13, 08:53AM