[Question] Editing Scope (White Outline) [SOLVED]
I'm trying to create a new scope using Adobe Photoshop 7. I start a new file 512x512 pixels 72 DPI, I create a black box and hollow it out. Then I save it as a transparent PNG-24, the problem is that there is a white outline that occurs, changing the size of the the black area does not effect it. I know that there is a limit of the scope size to prevent cheating, but I am staying within the boundary.

Anyone have any idea why this occurs? Occasionally some parts are not white, but others are. I'm using complete black (#000000), modifying the original scope.png has a similar effect. Sometimes the white outline does not occur, or only some parts have it.

Doesn't make any sense, does this have to do with photoshop 7 or a bug in the cube engine? I also see this outline occasionally when editing hud icons or other items in /misc/packages, but changing size or re-saving makes it go disappear. Any ideas?

Here is an example:
[Image: iuIxI.jpg]
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[Question] Editing Scope (White Outline) [SOLVED] - by protox - 10 Sep 10, 02:42PM