10 Sep 10, 02:27PM
(13 Aug 10, 10:52PM)Drakas Wrote: I (and some prominent players) do not recall ever being asked whether any of the changes that were proposed and finalised are at all a good idea, or at least how significant they should be. Especially the armours, the changes in weapons, and anything major that has not been really changed so drastically, say, from .93 to 1.0, as an example.
I'm with P@ndel on this. 1.1 is a new game, it's not the same old AC with that feeling, that some of us been playing since 2006. 1.1 clearly has different motivations in mind and not all of us are with them. Some of us just want to keep playing our game, not being forced to abide by others' motivations.
Of course, there are also people that prefer 1.1 much more than 1.0. As a result, the HI-SKILL ladder does and will continue to support both 1.0 and 1.1 at the same time because I believe in freedom of choice of what to play. Keep everyone happy. :)
Thanks for letting HI-SKILL to both of versions.
And please, dont stop AC 1.0.4 masterserver.
AC 1.0.4 player