26 Sep 13, 02:09PM
you could've tried harder to make that a haiku felix :D
wish i saw this soon
you cheat you get banned! simple!
like an idiot
it was so close already
ontopic: regardless of what the truth actually is, without evidence of whop using this after his "6 month break" is there really a point to a blacklist. maybe just to stop him from playing the game when he actually wants to. we've seen people before say that they would "punish themselves" by leaving for awhile. to me i think boomy has it right
wish i saw this soon
you cheat you get banned! simple!
like an idiot
it was so close already
ontopic: regardless of what the truth actually is, without evidence of whop using this after his "6 month break" is there really a point to a blacklist. maybe just to stop him from playing the game when he actually wants to. we've seen people before say that they would "punish themselves" by leaving for awhile. to me i think boomy has it right