Let me first start out by saying, Medusa had the greatest of all intentions of being suspicious of me after she read the logs. She helps make this game fun by not playing with cheaters all the time in public servers. I have nothing but respect for her.
Let me tell you the full story from about a year ago. As some of you may recall, I thought that Striker was cheating. After bringing it up with some people in .45, one of their members made a wallhack attachment that was only supposed to work in demos and never online. Let me also add in, BrkDragon(the AC player that gave me this) had no intentions of cheating and probably just made a mistake. The file he gave me was not your typical hack. Usually when someone is hacking they replace their AC Client which all together changes your Client number and can be seen in logs. What he gave me was the DbgHelp_RemoveThisPartIfOnWin98.DLL or openal32_RemoveThisPartToUseOpenAL-Soft.dll file which you just replace that. What he didn't know is the file he gave me actually worked in online modes. The weird thing about this is, it works with ACWC client and it just shows up at random times. I could play ten straight games without the wallhack popping up and I could go on AC and it would instantly have wallhack. Right after I found that BrkDragon was wrong about the client, I gave the file to two people. Jamz and Rofl. I gave it to Jamz for obvious reasons and I gave it to Roflcopter because I wanted to prove that people could still cheat with the ACWC client. After giving it to them, I deleted it. The weird thing about this file is, even if you delete it, it still works but less often. So now this wallhack would appear about once a month and there was nothing I could do about it. Restarting my AC would get rid of this wallhack so that is what I did whenever it showed up. Since this was so unreliable I got another hack from a friend so I could research Striker some more on his demos. This was an actual cheat client. Now that you got the history of why I had these, let me tell you what happened on the day I used the cheat client in Medusa's server.
As said from above, this weird file BrkDragon gave me appears randomly turned on in the middle of the game I was playing. Not knowing what had happened( It was the first time it had happened to me in 6 months because I had quit the game for some time), I thought I maybe used the wrong client or something and immediately quit. So what I did is loaded the modified client because I thought it was the correct client. Then after I joined the server, I realized it was the cheat client. I was trying to figure out what had happened because both of my clients were acting up. This is the reason why I was inactive in the game/demo. I was wondering what the fuck had happened to my AC and was trying to figure out the reasoning for both my clients not working. Shortly after my blacklist, I was told by D3MONWOLF and Cho(he also received this file from Brkdragon and reviewed demos) that I had to reinstall AC. I did so and haven't had any problems since.
I am sorry for this mistake guys and I have deleted my modified client so that it never happens again. If you do not believe me about this weird file, Ask Jamz or Rofl, maybe they will still have it and you could see how unreliable it really is. I am willing to respond to any further questions. Also I would once again like to say Medusa did her job correctly and was in fact very professional about it. Thank you all for your time.
Let me tell you the full story from about a year ago. As some of you may recall, I thought that Striker was cheating. After bringing it up with some people in .45, one of their members made a wallhack attachment that was only supposed to work in demos and never online. Let me also add in, BrkDragon(the AC player that gave me this) had no intentions of cheating and probably just made a mistake. The file he gave me was not your typical hack. Usually when someone is hacking they replace their AC Client which all together changes your Client number and can be seen in logs. What he gave me was the DbgHelp_RemoveThisPartIfOnWin98.DLL or openal32_RemoveThisPartToUseOpenAL-Soft.dll file which you just replace that. What he didn't know is the file he gave me actually worked in online modes. The weird thing about this is, it works with ACWC client and it just shows up at random times. I could play ten straight games without the wallhack popping up and I could go on AC and it would instantly have wallhack. Right after I found that BrkDragon was wrong about the client, I gave the file to two people. Jamz and Rofl. I gave it to Jamz for obvious reasons and I gave it to Roflcopter because I wanted to prove that people could still cheat with the ACWC client. After giving it to them, I deleted it. The weird thing about this file is, even if you delete it, it still works but less often. So now this wallhack would appear about once a month and there was nothing I could do about it. Restarting my AC would get rid of this wallhack so that is what I did whenever it showed up. Since this was so unreliable I got another hack from a friend so I could research Striker some more on his demos. This was an actual cheat client. Now that you got the history of why I had these, let me tell you what happened on the day I used the cheat client in Medusa's server.
As said from above, this weird file BrkDragon gave me appears randomly turned on in the middle of the game I was playing. Not knowing what had happened( It was the first time it had happened to me in 6 months because I had quit the game for some time), I thought I maybe used the wrong client or something and immediately quit. So what I did is loaded the modified client because I thought it was the correct client. Then after I joined the server, I realized it was the cheat client. I was trying to figure out what had happened because both of my clients were acting up. This is the reason why I was inactive in the game/demo. I was wondering what the fuck had happened to my AC and was trying to figure out the reasoning for both my clients not working. Shortly after my blacklist, I was told by D3MONWOLF and Cho(he also received this file from Brkdragon and reviewed demos) that I had to reinstall AC. I did so and haven't had any problems since.
I am sorry for this mistake guys and I have deleted my modified client so that it never happens again. If you do not believe me about this weird file, Ask Jamz or Rofl, maybe they will still have it and you could see how unreliable it really is. I am willing to respond to any further questions. Also I would once again like to say Medusa did her job correctly and was in fact very professional about it. Thank you all for your time.