(18 Sep 13, 12:44PM)pweaks Wrote: The examples I took are valid and concluded by research. I have nothing against individual muslims if that's what you are trying to imply.
for Allah's sake please re-read my argument. I'm not sure how else i can make it more obvious. It feels like you've picked and chosen whatever you feel like without addressing the crux of my argument.
(18 Sep 13, 12:44PM)pweaks Wrote: With just little changes in our history the present day could be a lot different. Your points are basically assumptions. Religion is tied with culture so one's culture would be completely different without religion.
no, it would not. do you think it is necessary for me to go and research the full extent of Russia's cultural issues and cite it with evidence from experts when it isn't necessary for my argument? if you're going to be pedantic about it you aren't even using evidence correctly. cited evidence is only meant to be used to support and expand upon an already strong argument. you're not providing one.
as i have fucking said before and explained through logical examples, culture is completely independent of religion.
just because a culture is influenced by religion does not mean that religion is why that culture is terrible. THOROUGHLY read through my posts, you clearly aren't. i'm so goddamn sorry if it is too difficult to critically analyze a post that is spelled out as simple as i could permit without jeopardizing the structure of my argument.
don't think i'm entirely pro-religion; in fact i'm quite opposed to religion. i'm an atheist. i recognize the effects of which religion have on the development of a culture. this is an unavoidable fact of history. however, the Middle East is in the process of breaking from the backwards ethical considerations promoted by their religion. the West is, for the most part, past this stage. until you recognize this, there is little point in elevating the discussion, as you will simply be blinded and unable to discern the positive effects of religion.
for gods sake don't address this post until you've re-read through the aforementioned post, or else we'll be travelling in circles.