|Ax| clan *update*
I decided to make a new thread instead of updating the old one (|AoX|) as we have got a new tag now.

As you are probably aware the thread where you request your clan to be added to the wiki is closed so I thought I will post at the info here:

Full name of clan: Art of execution
Clan Tag: |Ax|
Date your clan was made (in month/d/y format): January 13th 2013
Proof of 3 month existence: previous posts on site
Website: http://aox-clan.net/
IRC and network: #aox
Contact: [email protected] or IRC or Mumble server ( ip and port found on site)
Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match: http://aox-clan.net/wp-content/uploads/2...er_CTF.jpg
Basic clan info: http://aox-clan.net/?page_id=6
Founders of your clan (without clantags): Vanilla(me), Badger, madcat.
Current leaders of your clan (without clantags): Vanilla, f0r3v3r, madcat.
Current number of members: http://aox-clan.net/?page_id=13

Feel free to contact us for a inter, we are not the best but we are improving as a team and hope to one day be a strong, well recognized clan.

Also, sorry if the links don't work. I haven't quite got the hang of posting links/images yet on this site. If anyone requires more screenies just ask.

Thanks (:
Thanks given by:

Messages In This Thread
|Ax| clan *update* - by Rainbow - 10 Sep 13, 02:37PM
RE: |Ax| clan *update* - by Vanquish - 10 Sep 13, 04:42PM
RE: |Ax| clan *update* - by vonunov - 10 Sep 13, 04:43PM
RE: |Ax| clan *update* - by Rainbow - 10 Sep 13, 04:53PM
RE: |Ax| clan *update* - by +f0r3v3r+ - 12 Sep 13, 04:12AM